Many Crosses Poster


19″ x 13″
Completed January 23, 2017

Category: Tag:


This was the final version of the poster using John’s artwork, Many Crosses (Painting, 2013). The painting and the first edition of the poster, were created during the fall of 2012, during the debate over California’s Proposition 34 (which would have ended the Death Penalty in the state). Swanson wrote, “While I read over Proposition 34, I began to think of crucifixion as a common form of the death penalty in Jesus’ time. It was used as a public display of power and authority, and oppressed the people.

“I imagined crosses, spanning over hills into the far horizon, each one representing a life taken. Some of the crucified have loved ones to comfort them, others are alone. Guards, in suits of armor, carry spears as they watch over the condemned.

“I made this image in support of ending the death penalty.”

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