Artist’s Notes:
I am happy to present THE GOOSE WITH THE GOLDEN EGG, the third serigraph in a clown series, which I started in 2008. In THE GOOSE WITH THE GOLDEN EGG, an elegant Pierrot styled clown joyously shows all of us a wonder: an egg of pure gold laid from an ordinary, mundane goose. He calls us, his audience, to appreciate this mystery, this miracle, and to go forth and share our inner gold with others.
The tradition of the Pierrot character became popular in the early 19th century in the streets and small pantomime theaters of Paris. He is different from the other types of clowns, in that his humor is more elegant, graceful, romantic and poetic. He was a favorite of the working class people, known as the children of paradise.
Since ancient times, eggs have represented spring, resurrection and new life. The Cosmic Egg is an archetype found in many creation myths. A golden egg suggests a divine mystery, something that we cannot comprehend with our rational minds. The clown in the painting is a kind of nature priest, holding out the glittering egg for us to witness and admire.
– Joan Wolf Prefontaine
This Pierrot presents us with a golden egg– a gift of nature, a surprise, and a beginning. Is this gold found within each of us? Is the child inside each of us ready to appreciate and recognize the beauty of all surprises and miracles? A part of the wonder of this occurrence exists in its power to transform us. This Pierrot offers us this egg, and invites us to share in its wonder.
Just as the mustard seed is the smallest of all the seeds, but when it has grown it is the greatest of shrubs and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and make nests in its branches.
– Matthew 13:32
The vision of THE GOOSE WITH THE GOLDEN EGG is of a messenger who helps us find inner hope and grace. This meaning, which we are all unknowingly searching for, can be revealed by our inner child. This pale-faced Pierrot shows us the treasure found within our lives.
The most beautiful experience we can have is the mysterious. It is the fundamental emotion which stands at the cradle of true art and science. Whosoever does not know it and can no longer wonder is as good as dead, and his eyes are dimmed.
-Albert Einstein